
114 entries « 2 of 3 »


Adams, C.

Copositivity in Infinite Dimension PhD Thesis

Trier University, 2019.


Frerick, L.; Müller-Fürstenberger, G.; Sachs, E. W.; Somorowsky, L.

A Nonlocal Spatial Ramsey Model with Endogenous Productivity Growth on Unbounded Spatial Domains Miscellaneous


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Frerick, L.; Müller-Fürstenberger, G.; Sachs, E. W.; Somorowsky, L.

The Nonlocal Ramsey Model for an Interacting Economy Miscellaneous


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Frerick, L.; Müller-Fürstenberger, G.; Sachs, E. W.; Somorowsky, L.

Pareto-Optima for a Generalized Ramsey Model Miscellaneous


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Heidel, G.

Optimization in Tensor Spaces for Data Science and Scientific Computing PhD Thesis

Trier University, 2019.


Kreber, D.

Cardinality-Constrained Discrete Optimization for Regression PhD Thesis

University of Trier, 2019.


Kreber, D.

A mixed-integer optimization approach to an exhaustive cross-validated model selection for regression Miscellaneous

2019, (Preprint).

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Muneeb, S. M.; Nomani, M. A.; Masmoudi, M.; Adhami, A. Y.

A Bi-Level Decision-Making Approach for the Vendor Selection Problem with Random Supply and Demand Journal Article

In: Management Decision, 2019.


Nomani, M. A.

Robust Optimization for Survey Statistical Problems PhD Thesis

Trier University, 2019.


Belak, C.; Mich, L.; Seifried, F.

Optimal Investment for Retail Investors with Floored and Capped Costs Miscellaneous


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Schulz, V.; Vollmann, C.

Shape Optimization for Interface Identification in Nonlocal Models Miscellaneous


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Wagner, J.

Optimization Methods and Large-Scale Algorithms in Small Area Estimation PhD Thesis

Trier University, 2019.


Zhu, Y.

Competitive Analysis of Scheduling and List Accessing Problem PhD Thesis

Trier University, 2019.


de Vries, S.; Friedrich, U.; Raach, S.

Geometry of Gross Substitutes Valuations Journal Article

In: Discrete Appl. Math., vol. to appear, 2019.

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Breitkreuz, J.; Brückner, G.; Burgard, J. P.; Krause, J.; Münnich, R.; Schröder, H.; Schüssel, K.

Schätzung kleinräumiger Krankheitshäufigkeiten für die deutsche Bevölkerung anhand von Routinedaten am Beispiel von Typ-2-Diabetes Journal Article

In: AStA Wirtschafts- und Sozialstatistisches Archiv, vol. 13, no. 12, pp. 35-72, 2019.


Burgard, J. P.; Krause, J.; Münnich, R.

Adjusting selection bias in German health insurance records for regional prevalence estimation Journal Article

In: Population Health Metrics, vol. 17, no. 13, pp. 1-13, 2019.


Burgard, J. P.; Krause, J.; Münnich, R.

Penalized Small Area Models for the Combination of Unit- and Area-Level Data Technical Report

Trier University, Department of Economics 2019, (Research Papers in Economics No. 5/19).

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Groetzner, P.

A Projective Approach to Nonnegative Matrix Factorization Miscellaneous

2019, (Preprint (submitted)).

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Hauschild, S.; Marheineke, N.; Mehrmann, V.

Model reduction techniques for linear constant coefficient port-Hamiltonian differential-algebraic systems Journal Article

In: Control and Cybernetics, vol. 48, no. 1, 2019, (In reviewing process for publication in Special Issue of Control and Cybernetics).

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Hauschild, S.; Marheineke, N.; Mehrmann, V.

Model Reduction Techniques for Port-Hamiltonian Differential-Algebraic Systems Proceedings Article

In: Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics, 2019.

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Liljegren-Sailer, B.; Marheineke, N.

Structure-Preserving Galerkin Approximation for a Class of Nonlinear Port-Hamiltonian Partial Differential Equations on Networks Proceedings Article

In: PAMM 2019, Wiley, 2019.


Stahl, N.; Marheineke, N.

Filtering and Model Order Reduction of PDEAs with Stochastic Boundary Data Journal Article

In: PAMM (reviewed and accepted), 2019.

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Tolle, K.; Marheineke, N.

Efficient Therapy-Planning via Model Reduction for Laser-Induced Thermotherapy Proceedings Article

In: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2018, 2019.


Tolle, K.; Marheineke, N.

Multi-Fidelity Optimization using Reduced Order Models Proceedings Article

In: PAMM, 2019.

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Vibe, A.; Marheineke, N.

Mean-field surrogate model of a dilute and chaotic particle suspension Proceedings Article

In: PAMM 2019, Wiley, 2019.


Vollmann, C.

Nonlocal Models with Truncated Interaction Kernels - Analysis, Finite Element Methods and Shape Optimization PhD Thesis

Trier University, 2019.


Luft, D.; Schulz, V.; Welker, K.

Efficient Techniques for Shape Optimization with Variational Inequalities Using Adjoints Miscellaneous


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Luft, D.; Welker, K.

Computational Investigations of an Obstacle-Type Shape Optimization Problem in the Space of Smooth Shapes Proceedings Article

In: International Conference on Geometric Science of Information, pp. 579–588, Springer 2019.


Tolle, K.; Marheineke, N.

Efficient Therapy-Planning via Model Reduction for Laser-Induced Thermotherapy Book Section

In: Faragó, István; Izsák, Ferenc; Simon, Péter L (Ed.): Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2018, pp. 207-213, Springer, 2019.


Burgard, J. P.; Dörr, P.

Survey-weighted generalized linear mixed models Technical Report

Trier University 2019, (Submitted to the Journal of Computational and Graphical Statistics).


Dörr, P.; Burgard, J. P.

Data-driven transformations and survey-weighting for linear mixed models Technical Report

Trier University 2019, (url



Stahl, N.; Liljegren-Sailer, B.; Marheineke, N.

Moment Matching Based Model Order Reduction for Quadratic Bilinear Systems Proceedings Article

In: Progress in Industrial Mathematics at ECMI 2018, Springer, 2018.


Baum, A.; Zhu, Y.

The Axiomatization of Affine Oriented Matroids Reassessed Journal Article

In: J. Geom., vol. 109, no. 1, pp. 11, 2018.


Heidel, G.; Schulz, V.

A Riemannian Trust‐Region Method for Low‐Rank Tensor Completion Journal Article

In: Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., vol. 25, no. 6, pp. e2175, 2018.


Heidel, G.; Wathen, A.

Preconditioning for Boundary Control Problems in Incompressible Fluid Dynamics Journal Article

In: Numer. Linear Algebra Appl., vol. 26, no. 1, pp. e2218, 2018.


Somorowsky, L.

The Nonlocal Spatial Ramsey Model with Endogenous Productivity Growth PhD Thesis

Trier University, 2018.

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Nguyen, D. -V.

Quadratic Optimization: Copositive Modelling, Algorithms and Aspects of Duality PhD Thesis

Trier University, 2018.


Averbakh, I.; Berman, O.; Leal, M.

Improved complexity results for the robust mean absolute deviation problem on networks with linear vertex weights Journal Article

In: Discrete Appl. Math., vol. 239, pp. 193–199, 2018.


Friedrich, U.; Münnich, R.; Rupp, M.

Multivariate Optimal Allocation with Box-Constraints Journal Article

In: Austrian J. Stat., vol. 47, no. 2, pp. 33-52, 2018.


Egger, H.; Kugler, T.; Liljegren-Sailer, B.

Stability Preserving Approximations of a Semilinear Hyperbolic Gas Transport Model Miscellaneous


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Egger, H.; Kugler, T.; Liljegren-Sailer, B.; Marheineke, N.; Mehrmann, V.

On Structure-Preserving Model Reduction for Damped Wave Propagation in Transport Networks Journal Article

In: SIAM J. Sci. Comput., vol. 40, no. 1, pp. A331-A365, 2018.


Groetzner, P.

A Method for Completely Positive and Nonnegative Matrix Factorization PhD Thesis

Trier University, 2018.


Liljegren-Sailer, B.; Marheineke, N.

Input-Tailored System-Theoretic Model Order Reduction for Quadratic-Bilinear Systems Miscellaneous


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Müller, C.

Numerical Modelling of the Flight Behaviour of Bats to Estimate the Collision Risk with Wind Turbines PhD Thesis

Trier University, 2018.


Rupp, M.

Optimization for Multivariate and Multi-Domain Methods in Survey Statistics PhD Thesis

Trier University, 2018.

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Schenk, C.

Modeling, Simulation and Optimization of Wine Fermentation PhD Thesis

Trier University, 2018.


Schulz, V.; Stoffel, R.; Zorn, H.

Structural Optimization of 3D Wings Under Aerodynamic Loads: Topology and Shell Miscellaneous

Notes Numer. Fluid Mech. Multidiscip. Des., vol. 138, pp. 223-236, 2018.


Vibe, A.; Marheineke, N.

Modeling of macroscopic stresses in a dilute suspension of small weakly inertial particles Journal Article

In: Kinet. Relat. Mod., vol. 11, no. 6, pp. 1443-1474, 2018.


Führ, B.; Schulz, V.; Welker, K.

Shape Optimization for Interface Identification with Obstacle Problems Journal Article

In: Vietnam J. Math., vol. 46, no. 4, pp. 967–985, 2018.


Panotopoulou, A.; Ross, E.; Welker, K.; Hubert, E.; Morin, G.

Scaffolding a skeleton Book Section

In: Research in Shape Analysis, pp. 17–35, Springer, 2018.


114 entries « 2 of 3 »