Advisory Board
Overview over the ALOP RTG members and associates.

Pricipial Investigator
Member of the Scientific Advisory Board
Mirjam Dür was born in Vienna, Austria, where she received a M.Sc. degree in Mathematics from the University of Vienna in 1996. She received a PhD in applied mathematics from University of Trier in 1999. After that, she worked as an assistant professor at Vienna University of Economics and Business Administration, as a junior professor at TU Darmstadt, and as an Universitair Docent at the University of Groningen, The Netherlands. From October 2011 unti October 2017, she was a professor of Nonlinear Optimization in Trier. Prof. Dür recently accepted a call to the University of Augsburg. However, she will continue to serve as a Principal Investigator with the Research Training Group ALOP.
Prof. Dür is a member of the editorial boards of the journals Mathematical Methods of Operations Research, Journal of Global Optimization, and Optimization Methods and Software, and of the book series Springer Briefs in Optimization. In 2010, she was awarded a VICI-grant by the Dutch Organisation for Scientific Research (NWO), and in 2012 a GIF Research grant by the German-Israeli Foundation for Scientific Research and Development.

Mercator Fellow, Member of the Scientific Advisory Board

Member of the Scientific Advisory Board
Ekkehard Sachs was born in Frankfurt (Main), where he also started his studies in Mathematics. He obtained in 1972 a Diploma from the RWTH Aachen and in 1975 a doctoral degree from the Technical University Darmstadt, where he also finished his habilitation in 1980. He served as an assistant professor at the Technische Universität Berlin from 1979 until 1982 and as assistant and associate professor from 1982 until 1986 at the North Carolina State University. He held full professor positions at the Universität Trier from 1982 until 2015 and at Virginia Tech from 2000 until 2008. Since 2015 he is a senior research professor at the Universität Trier.

Member of the Scientific Advisory Board
PDE-constrained optimization