Zoom Presentations – E-Mail list

The research training group ALOP is pleased to inform you that several guest lectures are scheduled to take place online this semester. This will allow everyone to  participate during these challenging times despite limited travel and personal interaction.  


The next scheduled presentation will take place on Monday, June 15, 2020 at 17:00 local time by Prof. Andrés Gómez of USC, who will talk about Sparse learning via mixed-integer optimization


Prof. Martin Gugat of FAU Erlangen-Nuernberg is scheduled to speak on The finite time turnpike phenomenon for optimal control problems on Monday, June 22, 2020 at 16:00 local time.


If you would like to participate in these ZOOM presentations, as well stay advised on further events coming up during this semester, please send an email expressing your interest to


Upon receiving your email, we will include your name on the mailing list (for internal purposes only!) and provide you with a ZOOM link prior to each event.