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ALOP-Colloquium with Dr. Christina Schenk, Basque Center for Applied Mathematics
7. December 2020 / 16:00 - 18:00
On Monday, December 7, 2020 at 16:00 c.t. Dr. Christina Schenk will present her recent work titled “Population Balance Modeling, Simulation and Optimization: From Wine Fermentation to Polymerization” at our colloquium.
The continuous increase of energy consumption and pollution by carbon dioxide emissions worldwide requires
improvements in terms of energy efficiency and advanced materials. Within the scope of this talk we look at
different aspects regarding mathematical modeling, simulation and optimization for several industrial applications.
The proposed mathematical advances tackle the dynamical processes, and modeling such processes is
crucial for many applications. We focus in particular on the process of wine fermentation driven by the yeast cell
growth dynamics and the polymerization of composite (multi-phase) polymer particles which strongly depends
on the evolution of the particle morphology. For these applications we propose models based on population
balance equations and derive numerical solution strategies that are adjusted to the specific model properties.
These solution approaches reach from finite volume based schemes to the generalized method of characteristics.
The arising challenges associated with these types of problems are addressed and handled by newly developed
techniques, such as Optimal Scaling with Constraints. The investigations are underlined with selected analytical
studies. The significance of the proposed methodologies is highlighted and verified by numerical results.
(This is joint work with: S. Rusconi (BCAM), E. Akhmatskaya (BCAM, Ikerbasque, Berkeley Lab), V. Schulz
(Trier University), D. Sokolovski (UPV/EHU, Ikerbasque), A. Zarnescu (BCAM, Ikerbasque)).
The event is a virtual event via ZOOM. The link will be distributed via email.