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Autumn School on Model Reduction and Model Predictive Control with Differential Equations
4. October 2022 / 7:45 - 7. October 2022 / 16:00

The Research Training Group on Algorithmic Optimization proudly announces its seventh annual
Autumn School from October 4 – 7, 2022.
This year’s focus will be on Model Reduction and Model Predictive Control with Differential Equations
Optimal control problems have numerous applications in engineering and industry. One strategy for approaching them is model predictive control, which is based on solving a series of online problems over small time periods. A major advantage of this approach is that constraints can be easily incorporated. However, the computational complexity can become very high for certain real-time problems, for example, when the underlying dynamical system is a discretized partial differential equation. In such cases, model order reduction becomes necessary to reduce the computational costs. The idea is to construct a low-dimensional surrogate model -typically in an offline phase- to replace the overly computationally expensive system underlying the optimization problem in the online phase.
The ALOP Autumn School will feature introductory lectures on model order reduction, model predictive control, and related topics, especially from the systems and control perspective
Confirmed speakers:
Tobias Damm (TU Kaiserslautern)
Jan Heiland (OVGU Magdeburg, Max Planck Institute for Dynamics of Complex Technical Systems)
Benjamin Unger (University Stuttgart, Independent Junior Research Group Leader for Dynamic Systems)
Nicole Marheineke (Trier University)
Björn Liljegren-Sailer (Trier University)
Schedule, Location and Travel Information:
The workshop is scheduled to begin on Tuesday, October 4, 2022, with registration starting at 7:45 am, and ending on Friday, October 7, 2022, in the afternoon.
The workshop schedule can be found here.
The workshop will take place in Building E located on Campus I at Trier University.
For travel tips on how to get to Trier, please check here;
Instructions on how to find Campus I are located here.
Due to Covid restrictions, participation in the workshop may be limited
There may be other restrictions due to the pandemic. Please be sure to follow up on this page for new developments.
Hotel Room Reservations
We have reserved a hotel room contingent at the Hotel Römischer Kaiser, Am Porta Nigra Platz, 54292 Trier. The cost for a single room is 79 € per night and includes breakfast. Please contact them directly to make your reservations referencing the AUTUMN SCHOOL 2022.
The contingent will be available for reservation until August 15, 2022, or until all available rooms have been booked.
Registration information:
The registration fee of 70 € includes a welcome reception, the conference dinner, refreshments, and extra-curricular activities. Detailed payment information will be communicated upon registration.
Travel Stipend:
Qualified participants may be eligible for a stipend to assist with travel expenses. In order to be considered for the stipend, please submit a CV (which should include the names and contact information of two professional references) along with a one-page letter of motivation. You should also be prepared to submit a poster for the Poster Session.
The application for stipends has closed.
Registration is closed.